PRESS RELEASE: The Ewabili Green Initiative Applauds the AfCTA’s Transformative Impact on Women-Led Climate Businesses in Africa

Abuja, Nigeria.
23 August, 2021.

The Ewabili Green Initiative, a leading advocate for climate action and women’s empowerment in Africa, commends the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCTA) for its profound impact on women-led businesses dedicated to climate action across the continent.

The AfCTA, which came into full effect in January 2021, has initiated a new era of opportunities and growth for businesses across Africa. Among the most notable beneficiaries are women-led businesses actively engaged in climate-resilient and sustainable initiatives.

AfCTA’s impact on these women-led climate businesses is nothing short of transformative. By promoting intra-African trade and reducing trade barriers, the AfCTA has unlocked a wealth of possibilities for women entrepreneurs in the climate action sector. The following are key areas in which this impact is evident:

1. Enhanced Market Access: AfCTA has dismantled trade barriers, enabling women-led climate businesses to access markets beyond their borders. This increased market access not only drives business growth but also facilitates the dissemination of green technologies and sustainable products.

2. Promoting Green Innovation: With access to a broader customer base and the opportunity to collaborate with diverse partners across Africa, women-led climate businesses are positioned to foster innovation and develop scalable climate solutions that address the continent’s unique environmental challenges.

3. Capacity Building: AfCTA has created a conducive environment for knowledge exchange, skills development, and technology transfer. This fosters the growth of women-led businesses dedicated to climate action, empowering them with the tools and expertise required for sustainable initiatives.

4. Economic Empowerment: The economic empowerment of women is a crucial aspect of AfCTA’s impact. As women-led climate businesses flourish, they generate employment opportunities, particularly for women, thereby contributing to poverty reduction and fostering economic stability in their communities.

The Ewabili Green Initiative, in its mission to empower women and drive climate action, recognizes AfCTA as a catalyst for the growth and success of women-led climate businesses in Africa. We celebrate the strides made by these inspiring entrepreneurs who are working tirelessly to address climate challenges while propelling economic development.

As the AfCTA continues to evolve, we encourage governments, institutions, and stakeholders across the continent to uphold gender equality and support women’s participation in climate-resilient businesses. Together, we can amplify the impact of women-led climate initiatives and drive sustainable development in Africa.

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About The Ewabili Green Initiative:

The Ewabili Green Initiative is a leading advocate for climate action and women’s empowerment in Africa. We work to promote sustainable practices, gender equality, and the development of women-led businesses dedicated to climate action. Our mission is to create a more inclusive and sustainable future for Africa and the world.